Outcry Movies




So it  makes me raise an eyebrow as a person where the media is generally going  if at all with everything, or anything anymore.


Firstly, I do believe Hollywood or as some dub it Hollyweird, is very liberal.

Second 66% or more of news in the USA  is liberally based (NYC, ala Cali)

I just got done watching the Iron Lady with Meryl Strep, which I felt it humanized her character. There wasn’t anything to awful about it.  It showed she was a person at heart, it  yes generalized most of her political career. Though the film was about her as a person. Not about her career,  I recall a lot of attacks about this film.


Yet I feel it strikes the right cord with  getting people to read up on the real person.  So again  as news, media, & Hollywood degenerate into warring factions trying to get you to  watch their channel for the commercial advertising dollars. So they can tell their analysts how many eyeballs  they can sell to. Which yes in turn keeps the revenues up (revenues are not profits folks)

I think we as a culture are falling short of the idea, some things are meant to get sales, some things are true, & it is  THE VIEWER, that must DISCERN the REAL TRUTH.

Before some think or try to malign me into the liberal, or conservative camps for my idealism  by reading into the vague statements or twisting my words. Yes, I am a Republican,  yes I have a Libertarian philosophy about me.  As well as also I don’t always follow the leader, I am  most importantly myself.



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