- Ср, 02:48: I liked a @YouTube video t.co/1Jhx473h Glenn Beck: The Progressive Collective
- Ср, 03:03: I liked a @YouTube video t.co/50P9Qc6Z Glenn Beck: Phony Compassion from Marxists
- Ср, 03:07: I liked a @YouTube video t.co/Qls7U8o4 Glenn Beck: Violent rhetoric from the left
- Ср, 03:12: I liked a @YouTube video t.co/zW17qBDX shine a light – lee brooks
- Ср, 03:12: I favorited a @YouTube video t.co/zW17qBDX shine a light – lee brooks
- Ср, 03:25: I favorited a @YouTube video t.co/CpzhLyt6 Atlas Shrugged Trailer
- Ср, 03:35: I liked a @YouTube video t.co/UAva1VAh EU Bans Free-Range Kids! Nanny of the Month October 2011!
- Ср, 03:37: I liked a @YouTube video t.co/iTQZ7RvT Occupy LA: The Pro-Government Protesters?
- Ср, 09:30: I liked a @YouTube video t.co/onBsfXhP CommunityChanel N5 back in 2 days
- Чт, 00:48: @leolaporte @twitlive Something is wrong with #TWIG‘s episode for this week. On the Roku it stops about 45 minutes in I cant watch the rest
- Чт, 00:50: @leolaporte @twitlive The video returns to the play part on the TWIG roku page. This also happened with a #TNT episode a week ago.
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