Month: May 2011

  • Belorussian Summer (Long days Short Nights)


    in ,

    So as the days get to 90 degrees (25 C) here Everything is warm, the sunrises at 3-4am in the morning. Then the Sunset is at about 11pm Besides the currency still reveling apart the Government now is instituting price controls as they claim to curb inflation. Cause raising price controls are for the greedy…

  • My tweets

    Sat, 10:10: ahh so the world is supposed to end in 50 mins for me? About More Posts(9053)

  • My tweets

    Thu, 13:52: I am on track for 500 photos of Belarus! About More Posts(9053)

  • A day a life of a Belorussian


    in ,

    So as I have been distracted from the Internet for a few days, This is what I can give a generalization of Belorussian life, that I have seen. For my videos that was a 3 parter. Price Controls Healthcare Belarus Style! To simply life in Eastern Europe as it is true from Poland throughout Russia.…