June 30, 2011

My tweets

Thu, 05:34: Today I find out apartment Hostel or couch surfing then Hostel lol About More Posts(9053)
June 29, 2011

My tweets

Wed, 03:11: Did i mention rumors of my death at foreign hands are greatly exaggerated by the US news Media! Wed, 03:35: I passed by here […]
June 27, 2011

My tweets

Mon, 02:45: Anyone needing thier computers fixed in the USA should message me by Facebook or email. About More Posts(9053)
June 26, 2011

My tweets

Sat, 16:06: Yes, Yes, I know you all Keep thinking, I have died when I disappear from the Internet, however I am alive!!!!!! Sun, 10:24: Getting […]