So I often hear Google is to big! Google knows too much. Google is in league with the government. The list goes on. Or like Google Watch.
Firstly everyone I hear this from is either very paranoid. Slates an issue. Or just doesn’t trust technology. yet they use it. Even Glenn Beck, I like Glenn Beck, I agree with him. Not on his technology stances though.
I like Gmail for these reasons.
Firstly the services intergrated within Gmail, are all free. Even the beta labs
The other email clients Yahoo Mail, Hotmail etc. Have the same features. Like POP access, or forwarding. But you will pay for it I guarantee you!
Secondly, if you have such an issue with Google/Gmail don’t use it. Though they own the majority of all the ads on the internet, with DoubleClick.
Also I can import email for my former email addresses just as well as send as if I was on the same email account.
If you have qualms about Gmail here are some good links for you
Opt out program
Firstly here (Google is on the list)
Browser extenstion
Gmail Ads
Google Ad Preferences
Frequently asked questions about personalized ads and the Ads Preferences Manager
I am sure you havent seen any of those anywhere on the news reports attacking Google.
Next time dear reader, I would enlighten you to read both sides. I may have not laid out a full aresenal of reasons why. However keep this in most tech people use gmail.
Yet the media, and others have a free for all bias it seems against google.
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