Category: Uncategorized

  • My tweets

    Sat, 14:01: Mitt Romney VP Announcement with Rep. Paul Ryan (C-SPAN) Sat, 14:01: I liked a @YouTube video Mitt Romney VP Announcement with Rep. Paul Ryan (C-SPAN) Sat, 15:46: I’m watching this WEEK in TECH #GetGlueHD #ThisWEEKInTECH Sat, 18:03: RT @iowahawkblog: Ryan budget got 218 votes in the house, 41 in senate.…

  • My tweets

    Fri, 13:47: RT @chuckwoolery: Dems Stopping Military From Voting – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert! via @sharethis Fri, 14:07: RT @Capit0lism: I could never be friends with someone who doesn’t laugh a lot. Fri, 17:56: RT @m_mcaulay: Dear President Obama, an “economy built to last” is not what we want. We want an economy…

  • My tweets

    Thu, 17:15: RT @RepDaleZorn: I will be hosting a candidate coffee hour tomorrow morning at My Papa’s Place in Petersburg. Join me from 8-9:30am for … Thu, 20:42: @ThomasTomTurner Thanks 4 the follow Thu, 21:16: RT @Capit0lism: BREAKING: I don’t like sluts! Thu, 22:04: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist Directors Cuts…

  • I am watching Damages 24 others are also watching Damages on About More Posts(9053)