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Вс, 05:20: Вс, 20:43: Ricky has tagged his location About More Posts(9053)
I am watching Archer 22 others are also watching Archer on About More Posts(9053)
Sign your name Please!
For those that do not think about petitions in the USA. Where we always sign with our names. I want you to realize something that I know. When Belorussians, & Russians sign petitions they do not sign with their name or they sign under a pen name. Why do this you ask. Keep in mind…
So as many have said. They have gotten the new Twitter interface. Did I mention I have yet to get it? Lesley Jade9h @Ricky1146 no(( oh I’m fine:)u? Lesley Jade ·More @Ricky1146 new twitter is awful( read more About More Posts(9053)