So as many are aware politically in the USA. There is a huge debate on Inflation or no inflation. Or so the devaluation of the dollar.
I have news to give and do tell as to what I have learned by being in Belarus for nearly a week.
First on the surface there is inflation. However keep in mind this is a Socialist/Communist country. Everything is price controlled by the government except Oil. Yes the government owns the oil companies just as Russia owns its Oil companies. Yes they price gouge, Yes the government is in league with it all. (Still think the EU has a better climate track record?)
There is also within the entire Baltic area a strong desire to build at least 5 new nuclear power plants. I am sorry to dismay my liberal friends in the US. Nuclear power is wanted here as it is in Russia and China. If you read news about nuclear construction being halted or slowed after Japan. Your being fed a big big fat lie.
I want my liberal friends to realize if the rest of the world is moving forward on nuclear, why are we (USA) griping about it. We haven’t built a nuke plant since the 1960’s. Want to use less oil. Go nuke.
Also Healthcare here. I realize this is a hot topic back home. But I can tell you if you think EU/Russian/Belorussian healthcare is fabulous.
Look at your salary at the end of this email
As for me. I have shelled out nearly $75 over this incessant idiotic bureaucracy that is National Healthcare in Belarus. Everyone in Government wants $20 to get the job done. And some want this (honestly) Piece of shit European trash Healthcare Model??? You have to be joking me! Yes I realize if your a citizen it’s deducted from your $125 Salary. (You will never ever earn more then $125 a month)
If your a non citizen You have to pay penalties for guess what not being Russian or Belorussian. Great idea those idiots that thought up healthcare Cough Obama. By the way if you really think this only happens in Belarus and Russia. Guess what you get penalized if you have to go to the hospital in the EU for being a non citizen! I hope liberals realize they get robbed of their money while a country penalizes them for being born elsewhere. (Superior Healthcare bah more like Mafia Dons)
Regarding, Belarus’s economics, inflation and such. On the street 1 USD = 5500 Belorussian Rubles. This is nice when its text and numbers folks. But when I am holding 200,000 Belorussian Rubles Do you know what it looks like? Seriously I have about 80 pieces of rubles that equals about $250. Think about it. Between myself, & Artem we have $500 and we are just letting Rubles lay around the apartment. We don’t care! Thats how horrible the economics are. You don’t think inflation matters? You are truly on drugs. That is all I am going to say.
This will come to the USA if inflation and debt is not taken care of.
I will be making a video later today to demonstrate the worthless amount of currency just 1 dollar equals! It will shock you.
For further looking go here
(100,000 Rubles is $30 Hello 100,000 RUBLES!!) Which is better 3 $10, 1 $20 and 1 $10 or 6 $5
Or a bill saying 100,000 Rubles. 100,000 pieces of paper THINK!
(1000 Belorussian Rubles) Guess it’s worth no not even 1USD more like 3 cents
(500 Belorussian Rubles) You guessed it 1 cent if not LESS!
Then we have
50 Belorussian Rubles Is the Communist star on this make it even 0.0000001% of a penny?
For my photos that are now updated here you go.
A few videos, I have uploaded to Youtube as well.
By the way what are food prices in Belarus? You ask.
Milk 25 cents (Its a tiny bag the size of your palm)
Loaf of Bread 25 cents (like the ones 100 years ago)
pop 75 cents (Not Pepsi, not Coke Soviet Cola!)
Apartments Free (You pay in your job)
Healthcare Free (You again pay for it by job)
Monthly Salary You will only ever make $125 a month. The government will not allow more!
Shall I say it?
Gotta love Socialism! Im living in it till June! Need I not mention the KGB are everywhere 😉 I do wonder if Lashenko gets reports personally about foreigners in his country. After all he is an ehhmm Dictator? (President 16 years done some nasty things here and there) Glad I am writing emails over SSL Encryption is grand now a days 😉
Till tomorrow.
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