Ricky1146: Ricky1146: Ricky1146: The most terrible news A facebook user can get hahahahaha http://t.co/z2qELDh1ZS… http://t.co/3ihzgvpzYh

Ricky1146: Ricky1146: Ricky1146: So I have a tough decision to make not really I reached the maximum likes on FB 5,000 But I… http://t.co/txkWXJKovb
May 22, 2013
Ricky1146: Ricky1146: Ricky1146: http://t.co/Csbx83cI6z http://t.co/n1YQkmHPOa http://t.co/nQ82wuJmKz http://t.co/Qe7kCH04C9
May 22, 2013